Samantha Cormier. Suitcase Creatives.
Hi! I'm sam and i currently live in nashville, tennessee. What you'll find here is a little mix of all the things I feel like I can offer the world: photography, art, social media management AND WEDDING CONTENT CREATION.
I was born and raised in west virginia which is why you'll find a lot of my art inspiration comes from there.
i graduated college with a background in english and art and have continued to keep creative outlets a part of my life. my husband and i taught english in japan and south korea for nearly four years and moved to nashville in 2014. while my arts took a backseat during our teaching years, since we've been back i've always liked painted things for myself, took photography seriously while we traveled, and learned how to grow and manage my own social media as well as others. cONTENT CREATION IS A NATURAL EXTENSION OF MY TRAVEL AND PHOTOGRAPHY ACCOUNTS WHICH IS WHY I'VE NOW VENTURED INTO THE WEDDING WORLD.
if you like anything you see in my art realm, you can get the in stock items or commission anything to your taste. i love commissions! nearly anything is customizable.
i hope you find something or a service that moves you.